Transportation Policies

Our transportation lead needs the following info before driving your student:

  1. Confirmation of pick up and drop off locations and waiver (form below)

  2. School permission - if pick ups occur at school (you will need to call your school and say TOSS has permission to pick up your student. Specifically Jeronimo Martin, Jessica Butler, and Kathryn Ervin.

Absentee Notice

Parent/guardians must notify us 24 hours in advance if their student should not be picked up on a given week. This prevents delays and maintains a safe environment for all students. If advance notice is not given we will remind the parent/guardian about the policy. Failure to share notice a second time will result in a small fee. Third failure of notice will require us to remove the student from the pick up list.

Transportation Safety 

All children transported by TOSS must adhere to safety rules. Children must remain seated, wear a seatbelt and follow the staff’s directions at all times. Because of our safety requirements, any violation of this transportation policy may result in restriction of your child riding in the vehicle. Due to the seriousness of our safety concerns, we will notify parents immediately of any discipline problems that occur in our vehicles. 

Transportation Waiver and Release

I, the undersigned, give my consent for the person identified below to be transported by a TOSS volunteer, intern, staff person, or anyone related to TOSS and I will assume all liability for their participation in this activity/event and any injury that may result during the transport or at the event/ activity. Further, by signing below: 

1. I will not hold TOSS, its officers, agents, employees, assigns or anyone acting on its behalf, responsible or liable for injury occurring to the named person in the course of such activities or such travel. 
2. I hereby accept financial responsibility for personal items lost by the person identified herein.
3. I authorize TOSS to transport and to obtain, through a physician of its own choice, any emergency medical care that may become reasonably necessary for the person in the course of such activities/events or such travel, and agree to accept the cost of the transportation and/or treatment by medical personnel or facility.
4. I accept full responsibility and hereby grant permission for my minor child to travel with TOSS.