“Widget Manufacturing Competition”

Friday, October 21 and Saturday, October 22, 2022

MADE is one of the most successful collaborations between education and industry partners and it gives Burke County students a chance to experience STEAM-based activities that build skills relevant to many of the area industries. MADE encourages students to think outside of the box and engages participants in critical thinking, design, engineering and innovation.

This year the MADE competition will take place on October 21 and 22 on the Courthouse Square in downtown Morganton. Each participating school will assemble a team that will develop a manufacturing system on site in order to produce a product to be determined at a later time point. Each group will create a prototype and design the visual appearance of the product. They will then create an entire assembly system in order to produce accurate widgets quickly. Teams will rely on problem solving techniques, measuring and assembly skills, a systems view approach, troubleshooting, artistic design and efficiency principles in order to complete this live build challenge. Winners will be announced in the Middle School and High School divisions with teams receiving monetary donations to go toward their classrooms.

Are you interested in getting involved in the next competition? Reach out to Abby Nelson at anelson@morgantonnc.gov or 828-438-5280 to learn more.